
Site Updates – 17 November 2023


DNG- 692, 693 – new

Rogues Gallery:

Gendolfe, Ken

Honor Roll: 

Moore, Barry – updated address

Yohe, Cliff – updated address

Our Losses:

Lockett, Braxton – 2021

Rogers, Tracy – 4 Nov 2023


Thank You from Ray Leftwich Jr.

Thank you from Ray Leftwich Jr:

To: The Members of the 6994th Security Squadron

From: Raymond Jerome Leftwich,

son of TSGT Raymond Francis Leftwich

Gentlemen and Ladies,

I wish to thank WOW, how do you thank the men and women who did so much for the Leftwich family and continue to this day!  Y’all continue to make my heart soar and my eyes fill with tears every time y’all go do yet another act in my dad’s name.

Since the day the Goodfellow Base Commander and the Base Chaplain showed up at our door and gave us ‘THE NEWS,” the 6994th has taken and made the Leftwich family part of your own.

I have been told there were buildings in that country, I still have problems saying today, parks and buildings with his name where I was born in Japan, in Kelly AFB and Goodfellow AFB with his name on them.  Y’all were instrumental in making a shadow box for his medals, you made sure we got to all ceremonies (and this was a mother with children ranging from 10 to 2, a handful indeed).  You all made sure we were taken care of.

Today, at Offut AFB, the youngest Leftwich daughter Peggy Leftwich Ryan is in the process of putting the Leftwich display into their museum for permanent display.

Also because of the 6994th, there is a scholarship program at ANGELO STATE UNIVERSITY in San Angelo.

I wish I could be here today but unfortunately today would have been my wife Kitty and my 45 anniversary but I need to say my final goodbye’s.  Kitty and I started the scholarship program together and without the help of a few very close 6994th friends, (God bless you and your families), this scholarship program would have stopped.

God continues to Bless me with Angels today and they are the men and women and families of the 6994th!  This is one family I definitely want to see in Heaven!  WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A HUGE PARTY AND THE FIRST ROUND IS ON DAD!!!  Thank you.


Site Updates – 5 September 2023


TSN-1238 – 1242 – new

PC-390 – new

PL-949 – new

Honor Roll:

Gibson, Joseph ‘Hoot’ – updated address

Ward, Dallas R. – updated address

Rogues Gallery:

Johnson, Dennis M. – new

Kane, Richard E. – new

Blackwell, Ross W. – new

Ward, Dallas R- new

Our Losses:

Blackwell, Ross W. – 26 SEP 2017

Bunt Jr., Albert R. – 2017

Taylor, Norman E. – 18 AUG 2023


Site Update – 14 July 2023


UB-282, 283  –  new

Honor Roll:

Tincher, Larry W. – new e-mail

Rogues Gallery:

Ross, Larry T – updated photo

Our Losses:

Ross, Larry T. – 17 May 2023

Terrell, Jimmy R.- 12 Oct 2022

Hymel, Don P. – May 2023

Doolittle, William O. – 23 Jun 2023

Oleson, Roger M. – 26 Apr 2022


Site Updates – 8 May 2023

Registrations for the 2023 6994th Reunion in Washington, DC are due in about 8 weeks.  If you are interested in a guided tour of the Washington Mall by one our own, Don Adam – PL 69/70, please let us know ASAP, as space may be limited.

Registration forms can be found under the Upcoming Events tab on the 6994th website.


Honor Roll:

Pearson, Tom – e-mail update

Hilligoss, Tom – e-mail update


PL-948 – new

Rogues Gallery:

Jerrell, Carl E.

Our Losses:

Jerrell, Carl E – 28 Mar 2022

Woods, Ernest R. – 30 Mar 2023

Baker, Roy L. – April 2021

Hostettler, John E. – 9 JAN 2010


Information on Baron62 crew – 15 April 2023

On the night that Baron52 was shot down, there was another EC-47 crew in an adjoining area.  It is believed the callsign was Baron62.  Does anyone know who the back-enders were that were on that crew?  Ed Marek is asking for an article he is writing.  All details would be appreciated.  Please send the information to me at [email protected] and I will pass the information to Ed.






Site Updates – 22 March 2023

Honor Roll:

Lewis, Leo – updated info

Levine, Barry A. ‘Boots’ – new info

Hickman, Charles T. – updated info

Parry, Alan – updated info

Kagan, Howard I. – new info

Van Leewen, Harold – updated info


NT-880 – new

Rogues Gallery:

Cole, Stephen – new

Ours Losses:

Bock, Charles F. – 25 Oct 2022

Urie, David A. – 2021

Strickland, James M. – 16 Feb 2023

Jordan, Kenneth M. – 2023

Guy, Tommy E. – 2021

Kilmer, Randall D. – 2020

Ritter, Walter A. – 21 Mar 2023


Vietnam War Commemoration Ceremony – GAFB

The second annual Vietnam War Commemoration Ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday morning, March 29th at 1100 AM at the Weyandt-Eddy Memorial Plaza. The full event flyer is featured on the vietnam50thcpp.com Homepage. 

Full details about registering for easy access to Goodfellow AFB (if needed), available downtown lodging with hospitality suite, free Tuesday evening reception, Wednesday morning ceremony and plaza visitation, and Wednesday evening reception and dinner are included on the RSVP/Reservations page. Please check it out and submit your online or mail-in reservation no later than 17 March 2023. 

This will be a special ceremony to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Operation Homecoming and the return of Vietnam War Prisoners of War. We will also note the exodus of American forces from Vietnam, including the final EC-47 (362nd TEWS & Det 2, 6994th Scty Sq) mission(s) flown from Vietnam (DaNang) on/about 17 February 1973. Please notify Richard Graham at [email protected] or Joe Martin at [email protected] if you flew this mission or have documents and/or pictures supporting this ARDF milestone. Whatever is available will be put on display in the Clarion Hotel Hospitality Suite.


Site Updates – 13 February 2023

Honor Roll:

Myers, Randy – updated e-mail address

Our Losses:

Bates, Thomas L. – per John Cordova

Boedecker Jr., Willis C. – per Mike Murray

Bomar Jr., Henry G. – per AMTA website

Bregant, Gary G. – per AMTA website

Cribbett, Myron E. – per AMTA website

Shirley, Harlan D. – per AMTA website

Hoar, Galen E. – per AMTA website

Keefer, Phillip H. – per AMTA website

Newell, Eugene E. – per AMTA website

Rokicki Jr., Edward M – per AMTA website

Schmitt, Gary F. – per Tom Glass

Sisco, James E. – per AMTA website

Standing, William E. – per AMTA website

Umberger, Franklin – per AMTA website

Kirk, Young R. – per AMTA website


2023 Reunion Announcement

6994th Reunion 2023

Plans for the 2023 Reunion are in the process of being finalized.  We will be in the Washington DC area by the Dulles International Airport at the Westin Hotel.  The tentative dates will be 24-26 August 2023. As usual, we are negotiating for the reunion rates to be available for 3 days before and after the reunion, space available for those of you that want to do some extra sight-seeing.


There are many attractions in the DC area, and the Smithsonian Udvar-Hazy Air & Space Museum is a short, free shuttle bus ride from the hotel, and of course admission to the museum is also free.  Metro rail service to downtown DC is also a short shuttle bus ride to the new Silver Line extension.  Special all day fare cards are available for unlimited trips during the duration of the fare cards contract.


As many of you know Cory and Lisa Hayward have been working for the past 4 years on a documentary of the importance and value of attending reunions.  Many of you have participated in the video interviews that have been made.  Cory & Lisa hope to conclude their efforts and show the results of their work at this year’s reunion, and they want to make sure that anyone that has not yet provided their input (or wants to add to their interview) has a chance to participate in the project.  A preview of their project can be seen on the 6994th website under the Video dropdown tab, and is titled ‘No Longer Alone’.


If you wish to provide new material or add to your already collected input, you must contact Cory by NLT 29 Jan 2023.


To that end, Cory is available to collect your input via telephone call, e-mail note, or even possibly a Zoom teleconference.  For those of you that might want to create a selfie-video on your cell phones and send them to her, I’m sure she’d be glad to accept them.


Cory’s contact information is:

e-mail: [email protected]

cell phone: (615) 406-0386