Honor Roll


Usafss_emblem.jpgThis is the most recent locator listing for members of the 6994th Security Squadron and its detachments and reflects those that served our country honorably both during and after the Vietnam War. Some information may not be current, but is the best data available at this time. (NOTE: “INT” indicates information obtained from an internet search and has not been verified. E-Mail URLs in RED previously valid, but now returned as unknown or invalid.) Corrections and additions requested. We are also collecting dates and locations individuals served with the 94th, their AFSC, squadron nickname (if any), and any other contact information (fax, work & cell phone numbers, etc.).We are also looking for photos (scanned .jpg files) of 6994th personnel as they appeared during their tenure with the unit in Vietnam/Thailand for the Rogues Gallery found on this site. If possible, please include identifications of the individuals in the photos. Also wanted are photos that depict daily life, both on and off duty. In addition, copies of old orders, rosters or memos (scanned .jpg files) wanted to help fill information gaps in the locator/roster. Please scan the entire document, including signature blocks, and do not edit any information. These orders will not be published on a website, so there WILL NOT be any disclosure of confidential personnel information.

Again please send all .jpg files and contact information to Rick Yeh at blk67cougar (at) gmail.com

3220 Total number names
1093 Confirmed addresses
256 Internet derived addresses
38 E-Mail only addresses
536 KIA / Deceased members

To access the lists of alumni, click on the link below according to their last name.

Abbey to Czubinski    

D’Auria to Hymel   

Iannuzzi to Myrick   

Naab to Ryon   

Sabo to Tyson   

Ulman to Zupancic