
Site Updates – 3 June 2020


TSN-1215 thru TSN-1217 – new

NKP-741 – new

NT-834 thru NT-837 new

PC-014 – ID added


Rogues Gallery:

Roerick, Larry L.

Langdon, Darrel


Our Losses:

Graham, William D.

Kihorany, Scott W.

Blackwell II, Paul G.

Bruce, Arvel G.


Site Updates – 14 March 2020


TSN-1114 – new

Honor Roll:

Wingfield, Charles N – ‘Chuck’ – new info

Brock, Louis J. – new info

Erskine, William M. ‘Mike’ – new info

Myatt, Gary B. – new address info only

White, Oliver – updated info

Heying, Leon F. – new e-mail

Our Losses:

Aylett, Stephen E.

Grabski, Thomas J.

Larkin, Duane W.

Nabb, David J.

Elsleger, James D.

Julian, Dale R.


Information concerning Special Unit Citations earned by the Squadron (Mission section of the home page History) – including copies of the special orders.

Paver Dedication Ceremony at Goodfellow AFB cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns.  To be rescheduled at later date.


Fallen Eagle – Dale R. Julien

Dale’s wife Barbara notified us that Dale R. Julien passed away of AO complications on 25 JAN 2020.  No other details were provided.  RIP


Fallen Eagle – James D. Elsberger

Janice Elsberger sadly informed us that her brother, James D. Elsberger passed away of cancer on 17 FEB 2020.  He will be interred in the Cemetery of the Alleghenies.  No further details available.  RIP.


Fallen Eagle – Duane W. Larkin

Regretfully, Bob Hull and Ed Bendinelli report that Duane W. Larkin passed away on 8 February 2020 of AO related Parkinson’s Disease.  He will be interred at Ft. Sam Houston Cemetery.  No further details are available at this time.


Paver Ceremony Registration

For those of you planning to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony and other festivities during the Vietnam Veterans Day weekend ceremonies at Goodfellow.  To register for the events, please follow the link below and complete the forms.


The revised RSVP form has been checked out and is operating as
designed.  The base visitor control office  pledged
maximum support to ensure all visitors are quickly processed
through the base entry control.

This link is already posted on www.ec47.com.  Joe Martin and Tom Nurre
will maintain the master listing.  


EC-47 Memorial Pavers for KIAs

As most of you probably know, a Plaza with about 1,000 pavers and bronze plate inserts is being constructed at the EC-47 Memorial Display at Goodfellow AFB.  A proposal has been made to purchase a block of 4×8 pavers for our Fallen Eagles.  The plan is to acquire a total of 38 pavers for all the crewmembers killed.  2 pavers will be used for ‘introduction of the USAFSS and TEWS crews” and then the individual pavers will be grouped by crews.  Below is a diagram of the placement of the KIA pavers (highlighted in yellow).

A special bronze plate has been tentatively designed for each of the KIA pavers.  It will be approximately the size of the velcro name patch we wore on our flight suits.   A couple proposals for engravings are below.  

Whatever format is selected, all 36 KIA paver plaques will be engraved identically.

With your tacit approval, I plan to send $850 of the reunion raffle funds to pay for the pavers for the 6994th fallen eagles.  For those of you that do not attend our reunions, but would like to contribute to this endeaver, contributions gratefully accepted.

Please send checks made out to the 6994th Security Squadron to:

Rick Yeh  2709 Briggs Road   Silver Spring, MD  20906-3722

As the pavers are acquired, buyers are supposed to receive e-mail with photos of the pavers they acquired, both for themselves and in honor of another crewman.  I plan to start a webpage formatted similar to the Rogues Gallery to show off these pavers.  Therefore, when you receive your photo, please forward to me, along with the paver number so  I can post the photos on the site.  I also plan to post some grid maps similar to the KIA grid map to make it easier to find the different pavers once the project is completed.  Again, your help is needed to get a jump on this effort by sending me your paver number and size once you order your paver.  That way I can get your paver photo ready to insert in the formatted mat once the actual photo arrives.

I appreciate your help!!
