2023 Reunion City: Herndon, VA (DC)
Dates: August 24-26, 2023
The Westin Washington Dulles Airport
2520 Wasser Terrace, Herndon, Virginia 20171
Rate of $115 per night ($129.95 with tax and fees) includes breakfast buffet.
Rate will be honored 3 days before and 3 days after reunion based upon hotel availability.
Click here to make your HOTEL Reservations
OR Call (866) 932-7062
IF you call, be SURE to tell them you are part of the 6994th Security Squadron Reunion to get this rate.
Click here to download the 6994th Reunion Registration Form
Click Here to see who is registered
Reunion Tours:
One of our own — Donald Adam (PL 69-70) is a volunteer at the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial and National Mall, and has offered to provide guided tours to a group of reunion attendees. He is suggesting Friday, 25 August, starting at mid-morning for the tour. While Metro is available, he said he may be able to secure a few temporary parking passes for POVs to make it a little easier to commute in from the reunion hotel.
To provide enough notice to enable Donald to make any necessary arrangements, we are wanting to know who would be interested in touring the Vietnam Wall and other features on the Mall, and if there were any special mobility needs issues. If possible, we would like to compile the information by the time the registration packages are due (15 July 2023).
If you are interested in taking a tour, please contact me at [email protected], and include a list of monuments you might be interested in visiting.
NOTE: Group size may be limited.